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More About Psycho-Neighbor

Remember my previous entry about my psychotic neighbor? Well, she�s back.

Before I got home from work yesterday, my roommate was paid a visit by the police. They received complaints about noise from our neighbor. She complained about hearing our TV and other �bedroom noises.� My roommate then asked the cop if he was referring to sex and he said yes. He said that he was going around to all the apartments asking everyone to keep it down.

This irritates me for several reasons: 1). I called the apartment complex weeks ago asking them to talk to our neighbor because she was making unreasonable requests. They said that they would talk to her and get back to me. They never called me back, and I stupidly assumed that they took care of it. 2). I am NOT being loud. I am asleep every night (with the TV off) by 10 or 10:30. I do not have loud parties and I certainly don�t have loud sex. I have a roommate and I try to be respectful of her.

This being said, after I found out about the police coming by, I decided to rearrange my room so that my TV is not against her wall. So, let�s review what I�ve done to alleviate this situation � I don�t play my music at all anymore, I don�t watch TV late at night, I called the apartment complex and asked them to intervene, I�ve been nice to the neighbor and respected every one of her requests and I�ve rearranged my room. Oh, and I�m NOT loud.

What has she done? As far as I can tell, she�s banged on my walls, left me notes, came to my door and called the police. Who�s being unreasonable here? Her or me?

My room is now almost unlivable. The wall she and I share is the biggest wall � it�s the only wall that�s not interrupted (all my other walls are shorter because the bathroom is on one, the closet is on another and the window is on another). And because she is psychotic I cannot use that wall. So, my bed is blocking the window and my TV is against the wall in a different corner (and because the cable outlet is on the wall the she and I share, I now have cords all over my room). Also, because of this move Jeremy does not have a nightstand (there�s no room for it), my computer desk broke and had to be thrown away and now I don�t have a computer (because, again, I don�t have room for it).

I was SO angry last night, that the thought of keying her car entered my mind. Or turning my speakers against the wall and cranking up the music. If she wants something to complain about, I�ll give her something. But, because I�m not psycho and I�m nice, I didn�t do anything. However, because I have a bit of a temper and sometimes have a hard time controlling my anger, my roommate called the office this morning instead of me.

My roommate was amazing. She told them everything that I have done to alleviate the situation, asked about quiet hours (which is 10:30, so she shouldn�t even be calling the police) and asked them what they have done about the situation. She told them that our neighbor needs to move her furniture as well and that she cannot be that anal in an apartment complex. She also told them that we are unwilling to compromise anymore and that we are unwilling to have her call us, knock on our door or have the police visit us. She said that any more complaints will be the responsibility of the apartment complex and that we feel that what our neighbor is doing is borderline harassment.

The apartment complex told us that she has been banging on the walls of the girl in front of her too and that this other girl has called the apartment complex complaining about our psycho neighbor too (really, her requests are unreasonable). So, the apartment people are going to Psycho�s at 8 am on Monday and I am going to turn on my TV (so is the other neighbor) to see who�s TV Psycho is hearing and what can be done about it. My roommate told them that if she can hear my TV, she either needs to move apartments or the complex needs to better insulate their walls. She reiterated that we are unwilling to do anything else.

So yeah, that was my night last night. The funny thing is, when my roommate was talking to the police our neighbor started coming up the stairs. When he saw the policeman outside our door, he froze, crept quietly back down the stairs and then took off running (the cop never saw him because his back was to him). It�s just so funny that the cop was trying to solve a ridiculous noise complaint while it�s obvious that our neighbor is up to something much more criminal than that. I wonder what his deal is? Surely he doesn�t have a warrant out for his arrest. Maybe he grows pot or something. Too funny. I just hope he�s not a serial killer or anything.

10:42 a.m. - February 11, 2005


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