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That�s my niece, Hannah at Easter. I am so in love with her I can hardly stand it. I cannot WAIT until I have lots of babies. Ohhhh, I just want to lose weight, fall in love, get married and get pregnant! Is that too much to ask?!?

I lost another 2.8 this week. And I started my period the day I weighed in, so I bet it affected it a little. But 2.8 pounds is still good. And I ate pretty well this weekend and already have 2 workouts in this week and going again tonight.

I�m doing little challenges for myself now. Like, I�m not allowed to have a cigarette until Thursday. I�m not a huge smoker anyway, but I haven�t had one since Friday and it�s been fine. Of course now that I�m typing about it, it sounds really, really good. I need to stop social smoking. I�ve been doing it for years. And my future husband won�t be a smoker.

I am also going to start doing 10 push ups every time I workout. I keep adding things to my workouts, which is fine, but I�m already spending 8 hours a week at the gym. I was in the top 10 at my gym for the most workouts in March. I pretty much rock.

I�m also doing positive thinking. I woke up at 4 am this morning and couldn�t fall back asleep so I imagined myself thin and meeting a wonderful guy.

My single friends and I were talking about meeting men and they asked me why I don�t seem nervous about not meeting anyone. I responded that I�m not ready yet and how I feel that when I lose all my weight I will meet someone. I need to stop thinking that, but I really feel like once the weight comes off, my life will be perfect. I know it�s not going to be, but it might be.

I think they were kind of taken aback and then asked me why they haven�t found someone since they are thin (they didn�t ask it in a mean way, but just applying my theory to themselves)...I don�t know what�s wrong with them, but for me, I just know that I�ll be happier (I already am), more outgoing and finally really ready for a real relationship.

The whole, �You gotta love yourself before someone else can love you� theory.

I�m so ready, so I�m going as fast as I can without becoming bulimic, anorexic or addicted to exercise � which I once was believe it or not. Addicted to exercise. I used to workout after every single meal and even in the middle of the night. And then I broke my ankle and gained 40 pounds. And then more and more and more, and well, here we are.

My size 22 pants are getting too big. I can now take them off without undoing them. I am probably a month away (if even) from a size 20. I honestly don�t know how long it�s been since I fit into that size.

On and I�m going to start running on top of going to the gym. I�m going to start off very slowly and walk/run for 1 mile � very easy and not push myself. If my heels don�t hurt, then I�m going to do that a few times a week until I can run the entire mile and then add on to it from there. Once I can �easily� run 4 miles, I�m going to sign up for a 5k with my friend who runs marathons (but promised to run with me for my first race).

I used to love running, so hopefully I can get back to it and then alternate between running and going to the gym.

That�s all. I will have new pictures to post soon once I hit 60 pounds (2 weeks away, maybe � I have 4 more pounds to lose).

2:23 p.m. - April 10, 2007


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