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singlegirl's diary

singlegirl's Diaryland Diary


My Weekend

I think Jeremy took that fight we had last weekend to heart.

Last Wednesday he came home with an armload of firewood, a dozen roses and a bottle of wine. It was a good night.

On Friday night, he called me on the way home from work and told me that I needed to be ready to go Saturday at 2 pm. I asked him where we were going and he said it was a surprise.

I begged him for clues all night and all the next day, but he wouldn�t tell me a thing. We got in the car at 2 pm, he started driving and we ended up at one of the most exclusive spas here in town (after he went all these different ways to confuse me).

I haven�t had a pedi/mani in so long (2 years to be exact). It was so relaxing and thoughtful � and now my nails are a brown/red color (not bright red, but still red). It was so nice and so thoughtful of him. Yay!

And look at my sexy shoes I�m wearing today.


My grandfather�s party yesterday was a success. He looks so awful. He has deteriorated so much in the past month. It still astonishes me that he was able to tend to a one-acre garden and take care of my grandmother just months ago.

There were about 30 people at the party. My grandfather�s sister, her kids, their kids (I met 3rd cousins for the first time). When everyone left, they said, �We should get together again soon,� but of course we will � I am sure there will be a funeral before Thanksgiving.

I gave him a prayer blanket for his birthday. It was made by a group of women who prayed and sand hymns while they knitted it. It�s blue and thick and will keep him warm while he�s in bed.

After he opened it, he looked at me and said, �Thank you,� and puckered up for a kiss. He then told me that he loved me. I believe that for a few seconds he knew who I was.

I hate how much I cry over this. Every time I leave the nursing home, I cry. When he told me he loved me, I cried. When we all sang Happy Birthday to him, I cried (although so did my mom).

He�s just so frail, so little and so sick. It�s awful.

Jeremy was so great though. He went to the nursing home with my mom and helped her get my grandparent�s home and settled for the night. He and my mom were gone for over an hour � he�s such a great person.


I only lost 1.6 pounds at WW (hmm, could it have been the massive amount of alcohol I drank on my birthday? Or was it the pizza that followed the next day?). This week, I�m going to lose more. I only drank 6 beers on Saturday night (and I had the points for it, so I didn�t go over). And at the party, I didn�t eat much at all (I didn�t have any birthday cake or alcohol � go me).

Possibly I should start working out too�


This week should be pretty uneventful. I�m hosting Girls Night this week. Without the OC we�re forced to do something else. We�re going to watch the movie Upside of Anger. Has anyone else seen it? If so, what did you think of it?

This weekend should be fun. Jeremy and I are celebrating our anniversary on Saturday night. He�s planning the entire thing (it�s going to be a surprise). I should get him something � suggestions?


Now I�m going to go read up on a book called, �The F!ve L0ve Languages.� My boss and her husband read it and she swears that it changed her life.

The premise is that there are five ways to express love � through gifts, physical touch, quality time, verbal affirmation and through acts of kindness.

You figure out how you like to receive love and how others like to receive love and you can better express your love once you know the best way to communicate it. For example, if receiving gifts is the best way to tell me that you love me (or appreciate me), then instead of verbal praise at work, my boss will start giving me plaques or flowers. That would make me feel more appreciated.

My boss said that it opened a floodgate of communication with her husband and that they learned all sorts of things about each other.

It just seems to make sense. I think I�m going to go pick up my copy during lunch. I�ll let you know how it goes�

11:57 a.m. - October 03, 2005


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