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singlegirl's diary

singlegirl's Diaryland Diary


Nude Photos

I hate Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday � after that the week is almost over. And I hate this weather - I can�t wait until summer. Everything is more bearable when it�s warm and sunny outside. And I�m tan and can wear sandals to work. That makes me happy.

This weekend was kind of crappy. Jeremy came over around 10 on Friday night because he got off of work early. I rushed around after work to clean my room and do laundry, so I was done by the time he got here. When he arrived, my roommate and I were watching Till Death do Us Part (the new Carmen Electra show) and I wanted to see the end of the episode that was on. He didn�t want to watch it and then got snotty when I made a reference to us going out on Saturday night. Actually he said, �So now we�re going out?� in a really shitty tone of voice. First of all, I don�t like people who try to make me feel guilty for wanting to do something. If Jeremy doesn�t want to watch 20 minutes of a TV show, fine go upstairs. If he doesn�t want to go out, then fine stay home. He really pissed me off, which I showed to him by basically ignoring him. He was just driving me insane and I wanted him to leave.

After the show, we went upstairs and he�s bothering me again, asking me questions about what�s wrong, and why am I upset. I tell him why and he apologizes, which I accept. So it�s over, right? No. He wants to talk about it, apologize, have sex, etc., which none of it I�m interested in. I just wanted him to stop. And because I wasn�t all affectionate or all over him, he got upset with me, and the whole thing was just really stupid. Then he woke me up at 5:30 am to talk again. Really? He just freaked out and finally I got it through to him that we were fine and that he needed to stop being such a pussy. I hate that word, but seriously. He was bothering me. Instead of smothering me with questions, just leave me alone. Let�s just watch TV and go to bed. And I�m sure that I sound like such a bitch, but I guess I just wasn�t in the mood to be affectionate and romantic.

By Saturday we were fine. We went to the library so he could do some research for his paper, and then went home. We had a people over to drink before going out, and I got so drunk. I love, love, love Absolut Orange with Sprite. And Jell-O shots. And Rum and Diet. And Jager Bombs. I threw up after we got home (a little after 1 am, so I drank for 5 hours � that�s pretty good for me), and then decided that Jeremy and I needed to take pictures with my black and white camera. That�s all I really remember.

I woke up Sunday, a little hung over, and Jeremy and I went to breakfast. After that I spent 4 hours writing a paper for him, while he took a nap (see I can be nice too). We hung out all day, and then left to go to dinner. On the way to dinner we went to pick up the pictures we had developed. Oh lord. Most of them were fine � they were from previous weekends and from Valentine�s Day, but a few were from the night before. In one of them I am basically topless. You can see nipple. But, I have to say that overall black and white photos are way more flattering than color. Not quite as clear, so distance photos are not as good. But in close-ups, it looks like everyone has been airbrushed. Nice. So yeah, basically I can never run for office or be on a reality TV show since there are now naked photos of me floating around. Scary.

I think I lost 10-ish pounds. My bathroom scale is so fucked up, so I�m not 100% sure, but the first time I got on it said I lost 10 pounds and the second time I think it said 8. We�ll see. Between taking my medicine and eating low carbs, I guess it�s possible. Although I haven�t been perfect � mostly drinking alcohol, but I only drank one night. I had gross food yesterday � eggs and sausage for breakfast, a double cheeseburger from McDonald�s (w/o the bun), and a brat and a tomato for dinner. So fattening, but no carbs. Jeremy is going to start this with me, so that will make things easier. It�s fine right now, but I think I�m going to miss regular food.

Okay, time to get back to work.

12:59 p.m. - February 24, 2004


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